Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Graphic Organizers - Life Tango

Graphic Organizers. Well, I like them just fine but they don't seem to
like me. I never can seem to keep up with mine. It really doesn't
matter if it's a calendar, an appointment book, post-it, a sheet of paper
with my daily to-do name it, I really just can't. So, how about
you? Do you have any great pointers for me?

Well, I've decided just recently to keep a computer graphic system
and still use my personal organizer. So, this is for me right now - heaven
help me when I get a real teaching, like Kim (way to go Kim!) No idea
what Ill do then. I'll have to hire a secretary maybe...

So, I'll leave you with the key words and small explanation of the ones
I've found so far.

My personal favorite - Life Tango. Pretty exotic, huh? Seems like there
ought to be a guy in a tuxedo, with a vodka martini in his hand but actually
it is a basic site which in essence gives you all kinds of room to play in, so you
can set your goals. Any goals, professional, personal, travel - whatever. If
you want to email your goals, somehow other people with your same
interests will e-mail you back.

goplan - like it sounds
basecamp-individual or people projects
highrise-addresses, contacts, task lists, cases, research
campfire-personal chat room
tada lists-like tah da!
backpack it - 2 writeboards
wridea-also write/idea boards with its own blog for services
The above are good beacuse they are free of spam advertising
none that I can tell.

also I found - loaded with good stuff. Has multilple things
it keeps track of.
Then there is Zoho. Zoho office stuff and zoho email 1 g. Seems decent,
but i haven't found anything out about that--just found it a
couple of days ago and haven't had the chance to look it over.

Well, fun emails - we may as well share those too. I love
because it is reliable, spam minimal, and has access to a great jazz page.
Im growing fonder of opera email because you can also download a
browser and get a blog there. And ladies, it's nice because it's a
pretty shade of red.

Write back if you have any cool ideas, emails or graphic organizers.
I hope I'm using that term graphic organizers properly.

Good night.


Kim said...

Hi Crystal,

Thanks for the congrats!

As far as graphic organizers go, I think the term actually refers things like bubble maps, tree maps, picture outlines, etc. Okay, here is the “official” definition. Visual representations of information used for constructing meaning in reading, writing, and speaking.

You are referring more to a personal organizer for appointments, tasks, and to do’s. For me, the best so far is the good old fashioned calendar. I carry around this 10 pound “life” in a binder! The pros to it is that
1. It is always with me. I found that when I used my cell phone, I was talking on it when I needed to look something up. When I used my laptop calendar or the one in Outlook, I had to boot up the computer just to find out where I needed to be and/or didn’t have the computer with me when I needed it.
2. I use a pencil so that I can erase and change as needed
The cons:
1. My neurologist is going to kill me when he sees the damage that the extra 10 pounds in my purse is doing to my back. (really, try to pick up my purse some day).
2. If I ever lose it, I have lost everything. There is no backup. I think there was a movie made about a guy losing his file a fax and all the antics he had to go through to get it back.

Okay, that was my two cents. I think it is a personal preference thing. You just have to try a few and see what works. Any organization is better than none!

I’m off to think about the final. Cheers!

cantwell said...

I stand corrected. I have no idea what a bubble map is, or tree map, I can guess what a picture outline is... you'll have to tell me what those are sometime. I'm not kidding...never have heard of them in my life.
I've tried the organizer thing, and I will use one for appoinmnets, but all the other things, well, you know, gotta do something. If I could only figure out my learning style, maybe I could do this. Chaotic learning stlye maybe? Maybe I'm just not meant to be organized...thank you.