Tuesday, April 10, 2007


somehow, i feel like i'm being re-directed once too often to sign in. Maybe,
maybe not. mayybe it's just hal my computer toying with me as usual. You?
so, we've got build a teacher, for single journal style writings and group for
group discussion style. kind of like a psychology concept for sure...

i wonder if i just wrote out loud "paul mccartney rules" if anyone would notice.
this is kind like my favorite time of the evening, and my kind of quiet,
just me and Hal, ruminating. i have 2 other personal blogs, and i must say
if i ever have them working, because i think everyone has pretty well figured
out that tech and i aren't compatible just yet, you're all invited.

see you guys later tonight at the clubhouse....and i am wondering if any of you
are noticing any re-directions of your own signing up - i'm really not
kidding about that. good night.

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